February 4, 2015

Adventures in Dating: Relax dude, it's all chill...

I'm baaaaack! Not in the creepy Jack Nicholson/Shining way, but more in the kick-ass Randy Quaid/Independence Day way. It's been a while, I know, and you can blame it on graduate school. It's amazing and the most fun I've ever had in school, but it also sucks up all your free time and leaves you with a shell of a life. I decided now that I have more free time I could maybe start online dating again. What a great idea! Not. If I sound less than enthused it's because during my very first conversation with the dude, let's call him Arizona, told me to 'relax' AND 'chill' in practically the same breath. In case you're wondering what's the big deal, I'll tell you! To me, and lots of people I know, saying relax, chill, calm down, etc when they're not angry or worked up, but simply expressing an opinion that the other person doesn't agree with is a good way to actually make them angry or worked up. I've posted the screenshots here, but I should preface this by saying he does digital analytics for a living. If you're wondering what that is, why, I'll tell you! You know when you visit a website and you're like "ooooh, that's cute" and then you go to Facebook, Mother Jones, Forbes or basically any website that shows ads and all of a sudden that dress/pair of shoes/external hard drive you were checking out is featured in an ad on that site and you're like "omg they're stalking me!" Well, yes they are. That's what cookies are! I'm sure you all know this. At least I hope so. This guy didn't think I knew that and sent a good three or four messages telling me about it before I looked back at the conversation and told him "stop, I get it, I live in the 21st century."  (Or something more polite.) Anyhoo, he later asked for my last name and I wasn't going to give anyone my full name so they could look me up online, especially a self-confessed professional creeper! I told him that and here's what he had to say! I'm sure a lot of it is me overreacting, but on the other hand I really do hate when people tell me to relax especially when I don't want to do something and I say so and they turn it back on me to seem like I'm  crazy, overreacting, or emotional. Word of advice dude, it's just not cool. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Thoughts? Did I overreact? Was he just a ridiculous person?

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