November 9, 2010


I'm not sure whose feet I have to kiss, whose ear I have to twist, or who might read this but at least it's out there in the universe. Earlier, Washington Business Journal, and We Love DC reported that Wagamama (the best restaurant on earth!) was coming to DC. Then they reported that it wasn't. Then DCist posted this article this morning that the higher ups had maybe reconsidered but since no one at Wagamama headquarters was returning their phone calls I don’t know how true that is either. Either way all I have to say on this subject is “PLEASE COME TO DC! PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE.”

::ahem:: I’m now done groveling and I’ll get back to reading my
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe book for my Early Modern Europe class. Ahhh, there’s the connection. ::smirk::

I also think it’s really funny that it’s referenced under Gay and Lesbian>History. I’m on page 1 so I really don’t know why but this book has become interesting all of a sudden. Finally, no more fire and brimstone preaching. Okay, well we didn’t read a lot of those either but it’s definitely more interesting than
this one.


To sum it up, Wagamama, PLEASE come to DC because as soon as my classes are done for the semester I want to eat there at my celebratory “I Survived My First Semester of Grad School” party. :D (I know it’s not possible but I’m an optimist.)