February 15, 2011

Why we won't survive when the robots take over

I just finished watching the second episode in the Watson-Jeopardy challenge. For those of you who don't know what that is read about it here. I am absolutely flabbergasted after watching this and there are several things that completely astonished me but the two most important things are:

I) How amazing the human brain is. I think way too many people take its abilities for granted and I for one will never be one of those people. Again. I promise to never scoff at brain food. My body will eat whatever is necessary to make sure my brain is a lean, mean, thinking machine. Cheesy, yes. True...also yes.
II) I totally got final Jeopardy correct and Watson didn't.
a) Yes, that's bragging.
b) Supports roman numeral I.
c) Mostly here for bragging.

If you want something to make you think about the impending doom we're facing when the robots take over read this article from the Huffington Post. It's food for thought. And pretty funny.

Final jeopardy question from 2/15/2011's episode: Category: U.S. Cities. Question:
Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero; its second largest, for a World War II battle. Can you answer that in 30 seconds without the aid of a search engine?

I'm mostly astonished that I got final jeopardy correct and Watson didn't. Here's why he didn't.

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