February 4, 2009

Dear New York,

I want to start this letter off on a bright note. I’d love to thank you for a wonderful visit. You reminded me of why I fell in love with you in the first place.
Last summer was a terrible experience and although I’m forever changed in the way I see you I think I understand why the events transpired. Yes, we broke up 7 years ago and I moved onto a different city but it doesn’t mean that it was better or what we had was forgotten. In fact I always compare the new city and our relationship to what you and I had. I eventually grew to love this one as much as I loved you but I think I never really explained that to you because we did lose touch and for that I apologise. You were always so good to me and always took care of me and I turned my back on that. I can understand if you were angry but to treat me the way you did last summer belittled everything we once had. Wonderful summer vacations together, walks in the snow during amazing winter snowfalls, playing in the rain during beautiful spring showers and enjoying the fall clothes each year are some of my sweetest memories. You mean a lot to me and I thought I meant something to you too but last year could have been considered physical abuse. I felt so violated and I never felt that way before. So although I can’t forgive you for what you did to me I can and will move on. This was a beautiful trip and I have to admit that you made me fall in love with snow falls once again. I thank you for that. I hope my next trip here is just as amazing and I hope we can move forward together and learn to appreciate the new relationship we have. You are and always will be my first love.

Love always,

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